Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo, Japan), East Halls February 10 (Tue.) - 12 (Thu.), 2015

Characteristics of SMTS

Invaluable Merits

These days it is a key to surviving homogeneous price competitions by becoming
one-of-a-kind store through building a close relationship with the region and the local society.
Besides, the market is seeking unique and highly-diverse products, not only cheap in price, which can meet expanding customer needs. SMTS provides you with a platform for information collection and business meetings to increase your business opportunities.

Merit 1 photo1 Precious opportunity to mingle with regular members of New Supermarket Association of Japan (NSAJ), proprietors of supermarkets / distribution industry and buyers. Many proprietors and decision-makers in retail industry are invited.
Merit 2 Numerous chances of business meetings with visitors with clear purposes. As well as having fruitful business negotiations, it is the best place for product marketing. Average appointment acquiring rate 27.8%
Merit 3 photo2 Food tasting and presentation can be conducted in SMTS. They will be effective methods to attract visitors to your booth that directly appeals to the senses of taste, sight and hearing.


Visitor promotion---strictly limited to professionals in the industry



Drawing visitors using New Supermarket Association of Japan's network

Composite visitor promotion campaign---inviting regular members of NSAJ (approx. 400 supermarkets / 6,200 shops* across Japan) and publicity in association journal etc.*As of March 2014

Publishing the official exhibition guidebook

The official guidebook containing exhibitors’ data free of charge will be sent before the show to those who are in supermarket trade all over Japan.
Visitors (supermarket/retailer/service sector/wholesaler) can pick them up on-site.

Drawing visitors by related industry seminars

Seminars that provide latest information in the distribution industry, practical solutions for problems will be held during the show in the aim of attracting more visitors to SMTS.

Drawing visitors by the information transmission utilizing the Internet

Making full use of the official SMTS website, the e-mail newsletters to about 140,000 registered members of the B to B portal site “” and visitor pre-registration system, SMTS will actively promote the show.

Drawing visitors by thorough direct mail

Invitations to SMTS (valued at 5,000 JPY) will be sent mainly to proprietors in distribution industry and buyers.

Drawing visitors through cooperation of supporters and co-sponsors

Among all the supporting associations and institutions, powerful members will especially cooperate with SMTS on calling prospective visitors by sending invitations and displaying posters of the show.

Drawing visitors by advertisement and publicity

NSAJ has close connections to Distribution Press Association and other distribution industry media in Japan. SMTS takes full advantage of these relationships in advertising and publicity to attract visitors with clear purposes.

Exhibit zone

Product Category

All the exhibitor booths will be located according to their product category. Please choose only one category of your products (multiple choices prohibited) from below and indicate it in the application form when applying. The organizer will consult the information given for the floor layout.

Information and Service Zone
New category for health-conscious food products that are attracting increasing attention!
Functional foods and beverages, Food for specified health use, Quasi-drug, Supplements, Health foods, Foods for elders who need nursing care, Allergy friendly foods, Natural foods, Organic foods
Equipment and Material Zone
Shop fitting and construction, Wrapping and binding devices, Food fabricating equipment and cooking devices for professional-use, Refrigerated and freezing devices, Display showcases and other in-store devices and equipment, Uniforms, Devices for storage, logistics and quality control, Shop outdoor facilities, Security related devices, Environment and hygiene related devices and equipment
Japanese Regional Processed Food Zone
Fresh Product Zone
Meat, Processed meat, Fish, Dried-salted products, Fruits, Flowers
Processed Food Zone
Grain foods, Seasoning, Noodles,Prepared meals, Chilled and frozen products, Dairy products, bread and tofu, Fine foods
and Sweets Zone
Confectionery, Fresh sweets, Frozen desserts, Confectionery production products
Soft and Alcoholic
Beverage Zone
Soft drinks, Alcoholic beverages, Mineral water
Clothing, Commodities
and HBC Zone
Daily goods, Sundries and nonfood articles, Beauty care products, Pet related products
Information and Service Zone
Various support service software, Merchandising related, Related magazines, newspapers and books, Franchising, Merchandising services, Association and Institution